Terms and conditions

1. All bookings for courses, coaching, camps and festivals are taken on a rst come rst served basis.


2. Payment must be received with each booking. When you place a booking with us it will be accepted when we have received payment. If we do not receive full payment then the booking will not be conrmed.


3. One to one coaching bookings are made by appointment only. Specialist coaches are available and will be appointed following guidance during the booking process.


4. It is the responsibility of the parents of the player to inform us, at the time of booking, of any medical conditions, e.g. allergies, asthma.


5. Players are expected to bring appropriate equipment to courses and one to one coaching sessions.


6. There will be a qualied rst aider available at all times during courses, coaching, camps and festivals.


7. All Future Legends coaching sta are qualied and insured through our policies with Aviva.


8. All Future Legends coaching sta have full Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks (formerly CRB).


9. In the event of poor weather disrupting cricket courses we will inform you as soon as possible in the event of cancellation.


10. Any information that you provide to us is used solely to verify your booking. We do not pass on your contact information to any other company. We may, from time to time, use your contact details to inform you of future courses or special oers that become available at Future Legends; however we will give you the option to unsubscribe to any email literature that we send out.


11. These terms and conditions do not aect your legal or statutory rights.



Terms and Conditions
Future Legends Terms and Conditions.pdf
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© Future Legends Limited 2013-2020

